Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Post #2

I really like to keep all of the media on my computer organized, though sometimes it is a little tough. My music folder is incredibly easy to navigate. Each artist has their own respective folder, in which you will find another folder for each of their albums, EPs, or what have you. Any outliers, like artists who I only have one song for, go into a miscellaneous folder. My videos are also organized rather well. For movies I have two separate folders, one for HD and one for standard. In the HD folder you can find one for 720p and one for 1080p. Inside of this you will find movies that fit that category. All of my TV shows are in a folder labeled TV, with each series having its own folder containing folders for each season. My pictures folder however, is a different story. I try to keep things organized, but it's pretty much chaos. I folders for pictures of cars, comics, cats, etc. But I have a tendency to not name the photos I save. I also sometimes save pictures to the wrong place.


  1. I definitely feel you with the music organization. However you can also accomplish this with your pictures quite easily! Try naming your folders off of the experience or date like 1/24 Roadtrip and put all of your pictures in there. It helps a lot to date the event at which you took your photos at. If i can't date mine i usually will label them like nature, sports, out with friends etc. I have one big folder labeled College for these years as well, hope that helps!

  2. Sounds like you’re pretty committed to keeping your media collections in order. I imagine that this would be really helpful in keeping track of larger collections. My collection of music etc. is pretty small, so I don’t really feel the need for any really detailed organization. Alicia makes a good suggestion for keeping track of pictures. Although when you’re adding a bunch of pictures at a time it can be daunting to go through and name each and every one. And once they slip by unnamed they’re sort of lost, like Weinberger suggests you may as well not even have it.

  3. The picture problem is one of the things that sites like Flickr were intended to take care of - it's just too labor-intensive to really put quality labeling on large collections of digital media.

    Tagging on the other hand is the sort of thing that doesn't take too much effort - open it up and make it social like Facebook has so your friends can tag photos and you've got the sort of activity that is no longer labor-intensive but is about as mentally engaging as a game of Minesweeper.

  4. I must say i'm not as committed as keeping my music as organized as you are but more power to ya. I pretty much just rely on itunes to keep my music organized. One thing I do always have to have though is the album art, otherwise I get annoyed when my ipod has a bunch of missing album art photos. Random...but true.

  5. I am also an iTunes fanatic when it comes to complete organization. There is no possible way that my iPod will ever have an artist repeated twice. I thought it was just a weird pet peeve but now notice it's a bit more common. I also have to agree with lnbeckr's comment about album art. If you ever find a program that can retrieve all my art for free, let me know.

  6. The reason I keep my music so organized is because my media player shows how folders are organized.

  7. This feels a little more like post #3 than post #2, so I'm going to grade it as that (fyi). If you want, then, you can go back and do 1 and 2.

    That being said, music ordering is really interesting to me. Everyone does it so differently, for so many different reasons. I miss ordering music in the first order (I used to have an elaborate system of shoe boxes for my cassette tapes). Digital music just doesn't excite me as much...just not as fun to order. Sigh. I'm old.
